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We agree! It's difficult to be a parent. Parenting, like any other responsibility, is something we strive to perfect as parents. We invest the most in our children, nurturing them, providing them with what they desire, and encouraging them to achieve their full potential. 

However, no matter how careful and alert we are in this process, we make some parental mistakes that could be harmful to our child's health and development, as well as create an unhealthy home atmosphere.

Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting because each child and family is unique, certain habits should be avoided. That is why BIPS has created a short parenting guide about the most common parenting mistakes made by parents and how to deal with them.

Relax, don’t panic! It will be fixed with time and attention! We know you can do this!

  1. Comparing Your Children With Others

This is one of the worst parenting blunders parents do that hinder a child's self-esteem. Whether you compare their grades or hobbies to a sibling, a neighbour, or even yourself when you were their age, statements like these make them doubt their worth and prevent them from developing a sense of individuality.

Comparisons never yield positive results because every child is different!

  1. Lack Of Quality Time

Children simply want their voices to be heard! All they want to do is communicate their emotions and feelings openly. We may not know it, but this is one of the most critical mistakes we as parents make, and it should be avoided at all costs.

Children need to know that if something is bothering them, they can talk about it whenever they are ready daily. Communication is the foundation for cooperation, respect, trust, problem-solving, and accountability.

We at BIPS understand this as mentors and insist parents allow children to express and process their emotions instead of ignoring their sentiments. They'll be a lot happier!

  1. Ignoring PTA In Schools

It is critical for a parent to be involved in their children's academic success. Parents are invited to regular PTA meetings and informal interaction sessions at BIPS and other schools, as part of an active involvement programme.

A child loses interest in studies and other activities when they perceive their parents are least interested in his/her school programmes.

  1. Avoid Fighting

We're not suggesting that you physically fight with your child, but fighting back by yelling, or repeating yourself damages children. Fighting or arguing with your children attracts unwanted attention and gives them a chance to disrespect you.


Rather than fighting back, you might end it by implementing effective discipline techniques like time-out or talking it out.

  1. Overestimated Or Underestimated Issues

Before finding the solution, you must know the issue.

You must first determine what constitutes a problem. And, if there is an issue, how serious is it?

  • Is it a huge deal if your preschooler has tantrums now and then?

  • Is a 5- or 6-year-old enacting doctor wrong?

  • Your teen starts to push his boundaries, spends more time away from his family, is he being too independent?

The answer is ‘no’ in all three cases, generally. These are straightforward, age-appropriate challenges that should be anticipated.

On the contrary, if your catch your teen smoking, stealing, or cheating, it should not be taken lightly.

We all make mistakes as parents and individuals, and sometimes we let those mistakes keep us hostage or hinder the evolution of our relationships. But what can you do now? 

Create A Solid Basis For Success With BIPS

You adore your child and wish for nothing but the best for him or her. Allowing your child to take an active role in his or her development is one of the most valuable gifts you can give as a parent. This freedom to follow their passion and talk openly about their problems is given to them at BIPS. One of the best schools in Patiala where students excel and never feel left out.

After all, what you want and need to do is assist in laying the foundations for your child to build his or her life while remaining happy and satisfied. 

Bhupindra International Public School isn’t just the best school, but it's the right one for your child in Patiala.

For further details about BIPS and how children reach their full potential at BIPS, Click to fill the form and fix appointments with our Expert.


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